
MARTIN has been enchanted by the city of Washington since arriving in 1980 to pursue a government career in economics.  He found he enjoyed pounding the sidewalks of the city as much as crunching numbers and began leading special interest tours for friends and community groups.  Upon retiring, he became a licensed city guide, and is a member of the Guild of Professional Tour Guides of Washington DC, and a certified National Cathedral guide.  When not leading tours, he enjoys the camaraderie of the Arts Club of Washington, where he volunteers as club archivist and historian.

Where would you take an out-of-town visitor and why? “After exploring the major Smithsonian museums, the Capitol and the monuments, I take visitors to one or more of our historic house museums:  the Frederick Douglas home in Anacostia to learn about the great emancipation struggle, the Larz and Isabel Anderson House for a taste of gilded-age Washington, or the Commodore Stephen Decatur House on Lafayette Square for a view of Washington during its formative Federalist era.”

Martin leads

Portrait of Washington Walks guide Martin Murray