
BRIAN is a 35-year resident of the Washington area and has been guiding for over 20 years. Brian’s job is researching Washington’s buildings and creating historical resources. A strong sense of place has led Brian into mapmaking, so as confusing as history can get, you’ll never get lost on one of Brian’s tours.

Where would you take an out-of-town guest and why? “The Library of Congress, for its beauty and symbolism, and it gives me the chance to marvel at how we, the citizenry, used to enter these grand public buildings as royalty, and now we shuffle into the basement entrances like rats in a maze, only to be forced to demonstrate our impotence as a condition of admittance.”

Brian leads

Portrait of Washington Walks guide Brian

Brian the guide was very knowledgeable and had lots of fascinating stories about how the Columbia Heights neighborhood evolved. Highly recommended.

Goldstar reviewer